Proceeds will be used for Legal Fees in our FIGHT to STOP the ILLEGAL Construction of the Grandview Solar Project, which was approved by the Town of Grandview and would be built on property that is NOT within their legal jurisdiction.
36 parcels of farmland, where the solar projects is proposed to be built, would be located on land that is within the legal jurisdiction of the county.
However, since the county WOULD NOT PROTECT OR REPRESENT the COUNTY residents when the Town of Grandview approved this construction, we The Concerned Citizens of the county have stood up and hired our own attorney.
Our goal in trying to stop this solar project is to protect our homes, lifestyle and families.
Property Values
We do not believe we should sacrifice 30% of our property values, simply so Four or Five millionaire Solar Developers from Washington D.C. and California can make more money while putting the health of our children and senior citizens at risk.
We believe that if the individuals that were elected to sit on various town and county boards would have taken the time to research the pro's and con's of Commercial solar developments before being swayed by the offer of a few $$$ they "think" they will receive either personally or through tax revenue, we would not be in this situation.
Negative Effects of Commercial Solar Projects
Thankfully, we have educated ourselves and found out just how much destruction these Commercial Solar Projects can cause.
If you would like to know the truth about just how expensive, dangerous and detrimental Commercial Solar Projects are, we invite you to come meet with us in person and watch a slide show, read brochures or talk with one of our knowledgeable researchers.
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